Events of Game 226085: "quick and dirty #374"

#  Turn   Game Phase   Player   Log Entry   Date 

1 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:05
1 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:05
1 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:07
1 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:07
1 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:07
1 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:10

1 RAVEN h3n10 Lannister replaced the Consolidate Power(*) Order in Lannisport by a March(-1) Order. 2020-Mar-29, 17:11

1 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of Dragonstone
- to Crackclaw Point with 1 Footmen.
- to Storms End with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 17:11
1 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Stoney Sept
- to Harrenhal with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 17:12
10  1 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of Winterfell
- to Castle Black with 1 Footmen.
- to The Stony Shore with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 17:12
11  1 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Salt Shore
- to Starfall with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 17:13
12  1 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Pyke
- to Seagard with 1 Knights.
- to Riverrun with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 17:13
13  1 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell has sailed from Redwyne Straights
- for West Summer Sea with 1 Ships.
2020-Mar-29, 17:13
14  1 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon has sailed from Shipbreaker Bay
- for Blackwater Bay with 1 Ships.
2020-Mar-29, 17:14
15  1 MARCH h3n10 Lannister removed his March(-1) Order in Lannisport. 2020-Mar-29, 17:14
16  1 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark has sailed from The Shivering Sea
- for The Narrow Sea with 1 Ships.
2020-Mar-29, 17:14
17  1 MARCH JanRenesse Martell has sailed from Sea of Dorne
- for East Summer Sea with 1 Ships.
2020-Mar-29, 17:15
18  1 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy has sailed from Ironman's Bay
- for Sunset Sea with 1 Ships.
2020-Mar-29, 17:15
19  1 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Highgarden
- to Oldtown with 1 Knights.
- to The Arbor with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 17:15
20  1 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of White Harbor
- to Moat Cailin with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 17:16

21  1 POWER JanRenesse Martell mustered new units:
- Martell resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Sunspear and mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 17:16
22  1 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- Baratheon(+2) - Tyrell(+2) - Greyjoy(+2)
2020-Mar-29, 17:16

23  2 WESTEROS Last Days of Summer (W) 2020-Mar-29, 17:16
24  2 WESTEROS Game of Thrones - Houses consolidated new powers:
- Baratheon(+2) - Lannister(+3) - Stark(+2) - Tyrell(+2) - Greyjoy(+4) - Martell(+1)
2020-Mar-29, 17:16
25  2 WESTEROS Vasiliy 'Put To the Sword' - The holder of the Valyrian Steel Blade chose the following event: 'Rains of Autumn (W)' 2020-Mar-29, 17:18

26  2 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:18
27  2 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:19
28  2 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:19
29  2 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:19
30  2 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:19
31  2 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:20

32  2 RAVEN h3n10 Lannister did not use the messenger raven. 2020-Mar-29, 17:20

33  2 RAID Lyanna Stark Baratheon raided the Support(+1) Order in The Narrow Sea. 2020-Mar-29, 17:21
34  2 RAID Vasiliy Greyjoy raided the Support Order in Harrenhal. 2020-Mar-29, 17:21

35  2 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of Kingswood
- to The Reach with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 17:22
36  2 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Lannisport. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 17:22: Lannister is attacking Greyjoy in Riverrun from Lannisport with 1 Footmen and 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 17:22

37  2 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (2) Ser Jaime Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:23
38  2 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (0) Aeron Damphair to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:23
39  2 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy used Aeron's special ability to choose another house card. Greyjoy chose (1) Asha Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:24
40  2 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and withdrew to Seagard. 2020-Mar-29, 17:25

41  2 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Sunspear
- to The Boneway with 1 Knights.
- to Yronwood with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 17:25
42  2 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy has sailed from the Port of Pyke
- for Ironman's Bay with 1 Ships.
2020-Mar-29, 17:26
43  2 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Oldtown
- to Three Towers with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 17:26
44  2 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Seagard. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 17:27: Greyjoy is attacking Stark in Moat Cailin from Seagard with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 17:27

45  2 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Dagmer Cleftjaw to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:28
46  2 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (1) Ser Rodrick Cassel to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:29
47  2 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark lost the battle and withdrew to White Harbor. 2020-Mar-29, 17:29

48  2 POWER Lyanna Stark Baratheon mustered new units:
- Baratheon resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Storms End and mustered new units:
- 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 17:30
49  2 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- Lannister(+1) - Stark(+3) - Tyrell(+4) - Martell(+1)
2020-Mar-29, 17:30

50  3 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon mustered new units:
- 2 Footmen | 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 17:31
51  3 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 2 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 17:31
52  3 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark mustered new units:
- 1 Upgrades to a Siege Engine | 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 17:33
53  3 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 3 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 17:34
54  3 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy mustered new units:
- 2 Footmen | 1 Knights | 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 17:35
55  3 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell mustered new units:
- 2 Footmen | 2 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 17:35
56  3 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [2] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:35
57  3 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [1] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:35
58  3 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister exerted a power of [2] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:35
59  3 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark exerted a power of [5] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:36
60  3 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [1] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:36
61  3 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:37
62  3 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon resolved tied bids. New order of the Iron Throne track:
- [4] Baratheon | [2] Lannister | [1] Stark | [3] Tyrell | [5] Greyjoy | [6] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 17:38
63  3 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:38
64  3 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:38
65  3 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [1] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:38
66  3 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister exerted a power of [1] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:38
67  3 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:38
68  3 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [1] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:39
69  3 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark resolved tied bids. New order of the Fiefdoms track:
- [6] Baratheon | [1] Lannister | [4] Stark | [2] Tyrell | [3] Greyjoy | [5] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 17:40
70  3 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [2] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:40
71  3 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister exerted a power of [3] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:40
72  3 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [8] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:40
73  3 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark exerted a power of [0] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:40
74  3 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [6] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:41
75  3 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [6] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 17:41
76  3 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark resolved tied bids. New order of the King's Court track:
- [5] Baratheon | [4] Lannister | [6] Stark | [1] Tyrell | [3] Greyjoy | [2] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 17:41
77  3 WESTEROS Rains of Autumn (W) 2020-Mar-29, 17:41

78  3 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:42
79  3 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:42
80  3 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:43
81  3 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:43
82  3 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:43
83  3 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 17:45

84  3 RAVEN JohnnySnowy Tyrell replaced the Support(+1) Order in Dornish Marches by a Consolidate Power Order. 2020-Mar-29, 17:45

85  3 RAID Vasiliy Greyjoy raided the Support Order in White Harbor. 2020-Mar-29, 17:46

86  3 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of The Stony Shore
- to Winterfell with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 17:47
87  3 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Riverrun
- to Harrenhal with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 17:48
88  3 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Three Towers
- to Highgarden with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 17:49
89  3 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of Dragonstone
- to Crackclaw Point with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 17:50
90  3 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy has set sail from Ironman's Bay. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 17:50: Greyjoy is attacking Lannister in The Golden Sound from Ironman's Bay with 2 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 17:50

91  3 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (3) Ser Gregor Clegane to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:51
92  3 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (3) Victarion Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:52
93  3 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister decided to use the Valyrian Steel Blade! 2020-Mar-29, 17:52
94  3 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and withdrew to Ironman's Bay.
- Following units were killed: 2 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 17:53

95  3 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Yronwood
- to Prince's Pass with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 17:53
96  3 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of Winterfell. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 17:54: Stark is attacking Greyjoy in Moat Cailin from Winterfell with 1 Knights and 1 Siege Engines
2020-Mar-29, 17:54

97  3 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (1) The Blackfish to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:54
98  3 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (4) Euron Crow's Eye to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:54
99  3 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark lost the battle and withdrew to Winterfell.
- Following units were killed: 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 17:54

100  3 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Harrenhal
- to Blackwater with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 17:54
101  3 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Highgarden. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 17:55: Tyrell is attacking Baratheon in The Reach from Highgarden with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 17:55

102  3 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (2) Ser Garlan Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:55
103  3 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (3) Renly Baratheon to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 17:57
104  3 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and withdrew to Highgarden. 2020-Mar-29, 17:57
105  3 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon resolved (3) Renly Baratheon's special ability.
- a Footmen unit in The Reach has been upgraded to a Knight.
2020-Mar-29, 17:57

106  3 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of Storms End
- to Kingswood with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 17:59

107  3 POWER JohnnySnowy Tyrell mustered new units:
- Tyrell resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Oldtown and mustered new units:
- 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 17:59
108  3 POWER Vasiliy Greyjoy mustered new units:
- Greyjoy resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Pyke and mustered new units:
- 2 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 18:00
109  3 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- Lannister(+2) - Stark(+2) - Tyrell(+4) - Martell(+4)
2020-Mar-29, 18:00

110  4 WESTEROS Stark got new supplies (2). 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
111  4 WESTEROS Lannister got new supplies (5). 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
112  4 WESTEROS Tyrell got new supplies (3). 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
113  4 WESTEROS Baratheon got new supplies (2). 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
114  4 WESTEROS Greyjoy got new supplies (3). 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
115  4 WESTEROS Martell got new supplies (4). 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
116  4 WESTEROS 'Winter is Coming' - New events came up. Now: 'Game of Thrones' 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
117  4 WESTEROS Game of Thrones - Houses consolidated new powers:
- Baratheon(+2) - Lannister(+4) - Stark(+2) - Tyrell(+2) - Greyjoy(+2) - Martell(+3)
2020-Mar-29, 18:00
118  4 WESTEROS Vasiliy Wildlings Attack: Greyjoy deployed a power of [0] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
119  4 WESTEROS h3n10 Wildlings Attack: Lannister deployed a power of [1] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
120  4 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Wildlings Attack: Baratheon deployed a power of [2] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
121  4 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Wildlings Attack: Tyrell deployed a power of [1] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
122  4 WESTEROS JanRenesse Wildlings Attack: Martell deployed a power of [2] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
123  4 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Wildlings Attack: Stark deployed a power of [4] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 18:00
124  4 WESTEROS kevinwariacik The crowds of Wildlings have been blown away by the armies of Westeros!
- Stark returned following house card: (1) The Blackfish
2020-Mar-29, 18:00

125  4 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:01
126  4 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:01
127  4 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:02
128  4 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:02
129  4 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:03
130  4 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:04

131  4 RAVEN JohnnySnowy Tyrell replaced the Defense(+2) Order in West Summer Sea by a March Order. 2020-Mar-29, 18:05

132  4 RAID Vasiliy Greyjoy raided the Defense(+1) Order in The Golden Sound. 2020-Mar-29, 18:05

133  4 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of White Harbor
- to Winterfell with 1 Siege Engines.
2020-Mar-29, 18:07
134  4 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Oldtown
- to Highgarden with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 18:08
135  4 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of Kingswood
- to The Reach with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 18:09
136  4 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Moat Cailin -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 18:10: Greyjoy is attacking Stark in Winterfell from Moat Cailin with 1 Footmen and 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 18:10

137  4 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (2) Balon Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:10
138  4 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (2) Greatjon Umber to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:12
139  4 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark lost the battle and withdrew to White Harbor.
- Following units were killed: 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 18:12

140  4 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell has set sail from West Summer Sea. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 18:13: Tyrell is attacking Greyjoy in Sunset Sea from West Summer Sea with 1 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 18:13

141  4 BATTLE Greyjoy chose (2) Theon Grejoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:13
142  4 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (2) Randyll Tarly to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:13
143  4 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 18:13

144  4 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of Crackclaw Point
- to King's Landing with 1 Knights and 2 Footmen and defeated the deployed neutral forces there.
2020-Mar-29, 18:14
145  4 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy has set sail from Ironman's Bay. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 18:15: Greyjoy is attacking Lannister in The Golden Sound from Ironman's Bay with 2 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 18:15

146  4 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (4) Euron Crow's Eye to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:16
147  4 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (2) The Hound to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:17
148  4 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister lost the battle and withdrew to Port of Lannisport. 2020-Mar-29, 18:17

149  4 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Highgarden. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 18:17: Tyrell is attacking Baratheon in The Reach from Highgarden with 2 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 18:17

150  4 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister supports Tyrell with a fighting strength of 1. 2020-Mar-29, 18:19
151  4 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (0) Patchface to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:19
152  4 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (1) Margaery Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:19
153  4 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon lost the battle and withdrew to Kingswood. 2020-Mar-29, 18:20
154  4 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon resolved (0) Patchface's special ability.
- Baratheon discarded the house card (4) Mace Tyrell.
2020-Mar-29, 18:20

155  4 POWER h3n10 Lannister mustered new units:
- Lannister resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Lannisport and mustered new units:
- 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 18:21
156  4 POWER Vasiliy Greyjoy mustered new units:
- Greyjoy resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Pyke and mustered new units:
- 2 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 18:23
157  4 POWER JanRenesse Martell mustered new units:
- Martell resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Sunspear and mustered new units:
- 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 18:23
158  4 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- Baratheon(+1) - Stark(+2) - Tyrell(+4) - Martell(+4)
2020-Mar-29, 18:23

159  5 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark mustered new units:
- 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 18:24
160  5 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 18:25
161  5 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 1 Knights | 2 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 18:25
162  5 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 1 Upgrades to a Knight | 1 Knights | 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 18:27
163  5 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 2 Upgrades to a Knight | 1 Knights | 2 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 18:31
164  5 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 18:32
165  5 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [1] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:32
166  5 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [2] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:33
167  5 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:32
168  5 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [1] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:32
169  5 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:32
170  5 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:33
171  5 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark resolved tied bids. New order of the Iron Throne track:
- [3] Baratheon | [5] Lannister | [4] Stark | [1] Tyrell | [6] Greyjoy | [2] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 18:34
172  5 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister exerted a power of [2] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:35
173  5 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [2] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:35
174  5 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:35
175  5 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark exerted a power of [3] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:35
176  5 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [2] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:35
177  5 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [2] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:35
178  5 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved tied bids. New order of the Fiefdoms track:
- [6] Baratheon | [4] Lannister | [1] Stark | [2] Tyrell | [5] Greyjoy | [3] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 18:36
179  5 WESTEROS Greyjoy exerted a power of [0] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:36
180  5 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [5] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:36
181  5 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark exerted a power of [1] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:37
182  5 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [6] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:37
183  5 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister exerted a power of [5] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:37
184  5 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [3] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 18:37
185  5 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved tied bids. New order of the King's Court track:
- [4] Baratheon | [3] Lannister | [5] Stark | [2] Tyrell | [6] Greyjoy | [1] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 18:38
186  5 WESTEROS Sea of Storms (W) 2020-Mar-29, 18:38

187  5 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:38
188  5 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:45
189  5 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:39
190  5 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:40
191  5 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:40
192  5 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 18:46

193  5 RAVEN JanRenesse Martell did not use the messenger raven. 2020-Mar-29, 18:47

194  5 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of The Reach. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 18:48: Tyrell is attacking Baratheon in Kingswood from The Reach with 1 Footmen
2020-Mar-29, 18:48

195  5 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (0) Queen of Thorns to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:48
196  5 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (1) Melisandre to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:48
197  5 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved (0) Queen of Thorns's special ability.
- the March(+1) Order in King's Landing has been removed.
2020-Mar-29, 18:49
198  5 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 18:49

199  5 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Sunspear. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 18:49: Martell is attacking Baratheon in Storms End from Sunspear with 2 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 18:49

200  5 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (1) Nymeria Sand to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:50
201  5 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (1) Salladhor Saan to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:50
202  5 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 18:52

203  5 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon removed his March(-1) Order in Dragonstone. 2020-Mar-29, 18:53
204  5 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of White Harbor. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 18:53: Stark is attacking Greyjoy in Moat Cailin from White Harbor with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 18:53

205  5 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (1) The Blackfish to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:54
206  5 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (3) Victarion Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 18:54
207  5 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and withdrew to The Twins. 2020-Mar-29, 18:55

208  5 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Lannisport
- to Riverrun with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 18:56
209  5 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Pyke. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 18:59: Greyjoy is attacking Lannister in Riverrun from Pyke with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 18:59

210  5 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (2) Balon Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:00
211  5 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (1) Tyrion Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:02
212  5 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister used Tyrion's special ability to cancel his opponent's house card and returned it to his hand! 2020-Mar-29, 19:02
213  5 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Asha Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:03
214  5 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and withdrew to Pyke. 2020-Mar-29, 19:03

215  5 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell has set sail from Sunset Sea. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 19:04: Tyrell is attacking Greyjoy in The Golden Sound from Sunset Sea with 1 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 19:04

216  5 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister supports Tyrell with a fighting strength of 3. 2020-Mar-29, 19:04
217  5 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (3) Ser Loras Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:04
218  5 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (2) Balon Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:06
219  5 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and withdrew to Sunset Sea. 2020-Mar-29, 19:06

220  5 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Yronwood
- to Storms End with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 19:06
221  5 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of Castle Black -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 19:07: Stark is attacking Greyjoy in Winterfell from Castle Black with 1 Footmen
2020-Mar-29, 19:07

222  5 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (4) Eddard Stark to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:07
223  5 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Dagmer Cleftjaw to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:07
224  5 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark decided to use the Valyrian Steel Blade! 2020-Mar-29, 19:08
225  5 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and withdrew to Flint's Finger.
- Following units were killed: 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 19:08

226  5 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Riverrun
- to Harrenhal with 1 Siege Engines.
2020-Mar-29, 19:10
227  5 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Oldtown
- to Searoad Marches with 1 Knights. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 19:12: Tyrell is attacking Martell in Starfall from Oldtown with 1 Footmen
2020-Mar-29, 19:12

228  5 BATTLE Tyrell chose (1) Alester Florent to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:12
229  5 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (2) Obara Sand to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:12
230  5 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and withdrew to Oldtown. 2020-Mar-29, 19:12

231  5 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Harrenhal. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 19:13: Lannister is attacking Baratheon in Crackclaw Point from Harrenhal with 1 Footmen, 1 Knights and 1 Siege Engines
2020-Mar-29, 19:13

232  5 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Baratheon with a fighting strength of 2. 2020-Mar-29, 19:14
233  5 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (2) Brienne of Tarth to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:15
234  5 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (1) Ser Kevan Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:17
235  5 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon lost the battle and withdrew to The Mountains of the Moon. 2020-Mar-29, 19:17

236  5 POWER JanRenesse Martell mustered new units:
- Martell resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Starfall and mustered new units:
- 1 Upgrades to a Knight |
2020-Mar-29, 19:18
237  5 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- Tyrell(+4) - Greyjoy(+1) - Martell(+4)
2020-Mar-29, 19:18

238  6 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 1 Upgrades to a Knight | 1 Knights | 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 19:19
239  6 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell mustered new units:
- 1 Upgrades to a Knight | 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 19:20
240  6 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon didn't muster any new units. 2020-Mar-29, 19:21
241  6 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 3 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 19:22
242  6 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 1 Upgrades to a Siege Engine | 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 19:24
243  6 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy mustered new units:
- 1 Upgrades to a Knight | 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 19:27
244  6 WESTEROS Game of Thrones - Houses consolidated new powers:
- Baratheon(+4) - Lannister(+3) - Stark(+2) - Tyrell(+3) - Greyjoy(+4) - Martell(+3)
2020-Mar-29, 19:27
245  6 WESTEROS Vasiliy Wildlings Attack: Greyjoy deployed a power of [0] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 19:27
246  6 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Wildlings Attack: Baratheon deployed a power of [1] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 19:27
247  6 WESTEROS h3n10 Wildlings Attack: Lannister deployed a power of [1] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 19:27
248  6 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Wildlings Attack: Stark deployed a power of [0] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 19:27
249  6 WESTEROS JanRenesse Wildlings Attack: Martell deployed a power of [3] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 19:28
250  6 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Wildlings Attack: Tyrell deployed a power of [0] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 19:29
251  6 WESTEROS JanRenesse The crowds of Wildlings have been blown away by the armies of Westeros!
- Martell returned following house card: (1) Nymeria Sand
2020-Mar-29, 19:29

252  6 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 19:31
253  6 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 19:32
254  6 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 19:31
255  6 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 19:32
256  6 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 19:34
257  6 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 19:35

258  6 RAVEN JanRenesse Martell did not use the messenger raven. 2020-Mar-29, 19:36

259  6 RAID Vasiliy Greyjoy raided the Consolidate Power Order in Moat Cailin. 2020-Mar-29, 19:36

260  6 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of The Reach. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 19:37: Tyrell is attacking Lannister in Blackwater from The Reach with 2 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 19:37

261  6 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (2) Randyll Tarly to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:37
262  6 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (0) Cersei Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:40
263  6 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 19:40

264  6 MARCH JanRenesse Martell has set sail from East Summer Sea. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 19:41: Martell is attacking Baratheon in Shipbreaker Bay from East Summer Sea with 2 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 19:41

265  6 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Baratheon with a fighting strength of 3. 2020-Mar-29, 19:41
266  6 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (4) Stannis Baratheon to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:42
267  6 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (1) Nymeria Sand to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:43
268  6 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell lost the battle and withdrew to East Summer Sea. 2020-Mar-29, 19:45

269  6 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of The Mountains of the Moon -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 19:45: Baratheon is attacking Greyjoy in The Twins from The Mountains of the Moon with 1 Footmen
2020-Mar-29, 19:45

270  6 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Greyjoy with a fighting strength of 3. 2020-Mar-29, 19:47
271  6 BATTLE Greyjoy chose (0) Aeron Damphair to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:47
272  6 BATTLE Baratheon chose (2) Ser Davos Seaworth to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:47
273  6 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon lost the battle and withdrew to The Mountains of the Moon. 2020-Mar-29, 19:47

274  6 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark has set sail from Port of Winterfell. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 19:49: Stark is attacking Greyjoy in Bay of Ice from Port of Winterfell with 2 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 19:49

275  6 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (3) Robb Stark to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:49
276  6 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Asha Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:50
277  6 BATTLE kevinwariacik Greyjoy lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 19:50

278  6 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Riverrun
- to Harrenhal with 1 Siege Engines and 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 19:52
279  6 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Seagard
- to Pyke with 1 Knights. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 19:56: Greyjoy is attacking Lannister in Riverrun from Seagard with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 19:56

280  6 BATTLE Lannister chose (4) Tywin Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:56
281  6 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (4) Euron Crow's Eye to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 19:56
282  6 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 19:56

283  6 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Highgarden
- to Searoad Marches with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 19:59
284  6 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Storms End
- to The Boneway with 2 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 20:01
285  6 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of Winterfell. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 20:02: Stark is attacking Greyjoy in Flint's Finger from Winterfell with 1 Footmen
2020-Mar-29, 20:02

286  6 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (2) Roose Bolton to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:02
287  6 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Dagmer Cleftjaw to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:02
288  6 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 20:02

289  6 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Pyke. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 20:06: Greyjoy is attacking Lannister in Lannisport from Pyke with 2 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 20:06

290  6 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell supports Lannister with a fighting strength of 4. 2020-Mar-29, 20:08
291  6 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (2) Ser Jaime Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:10
292  6 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (2) Theon Grejoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:11
293  6 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and withdrew to Pyke.
- Following units were killed: 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 20:13

294  6 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell has set sail from Sunset Sea. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 20:13: Tyrell is attacking Greyjoy in The Golden Sound from Sunset Sea with 1 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 20:13

295  6 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister supports Tyrell with a fighting strength of 3. 2020-Mar-29, 20:14
296  6 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (1) Margaery Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:14
297  6 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (2) Balon Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:15
298  6 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and withdrew to Sunset Sea. 2020-Mar-29, 20:15

299  6 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Sunspear
- to Storms End with 1 Siege Engines.
2020-Mar-29, 20:16

300  6 POWER JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved his Consolidate Power Order in Oldtown. New Power Tokens: +1 2020-Mar-29, 20:16
301  6 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- Baratheon(+2) - Lannister(+3) - Tyrell(+4) - Greyjoy(+2) - Martell(+3)
2020-Mar-29, 20:16

302  7 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy 'A Throne of Blades (W)' - The holder of the Iron Throne chose the following event: 'Supply' 2020-Mar-29, 20:16
303  7 WESTEROS Tyrell got new supplies (6). 2020-Mar-29, 20:16
304  7 WESTEROS Martell got new supplies (4). 2020-Mar-29, 20:16
305  7 WESTEROS Baratheon got new supplies (3). 2020-Mar-29, 20:16
306  7 WESTEROS Stark got new supplies (2). 2020-Mar-29, 20:16
307  7 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister got new supplies (2).- Lannister has been forced to remove some units: 2 Footmen | 1 Ships | 2020-Mar-29, 20:17
308  7 WESTEROS Greyjoy got new supplies (4). 2020-Mar-29, 20:17
309  7 WESTEROS JanRenesse 'Dark Wings, Dark Words (W)' - The holder of the Messenger Raven chose the following event: 'Game of Thrones' 2020-Mar-29, 20:17
310  7 WESTEROS Game of Thrones - Houses consolidated new powers:
- Baratheon(+4) - Lannister(+2) - Stark(+2) - Tyrell(+3) - Greyjoy(+5) - Martell(+3)
2020-Mar-29, 20:17
311  7 WESTEROS Storm of Swords (W) 2020-Mar-29, 20:17

312  7 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 20:23
313  7 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 20:19
314  7 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 20:19
315  7 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 20:20
316  7 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 20:21
317  7 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 20:24

318  7 RAVEN JanRenesse Martell did not use the messenger raven. 2020-Mar-29, 20:24

319  7 RAID Unusable Raid Order has been removed from Storms End. 2020-Mar-29, 20:24
320  7 RAID JohnnySnowy Tyrell removed his Raid(*) Order in The Reach. 2020-Mar-29, 20:25
321  7 RAID Lyanna Stark Baratheon raided the Support(+1) Order in Port of Storms End. 2020-Mar-29, 20:25
322  7 RAID Vasiliy Greyjoy raided the Support Order in Lannisport. 2020-Mar-29, 20:26
323  7 RAID Unusable Raid Order has been removed from Greywater Watch. 2020-Mar-29, 20:26
324  7 RAID JohnnySnowy Tyrell raided the Support Order in The Golden Sound. 2020-Mar-29, 20:27
325  7 RAID Unusable Raid Order has been removed from Blackwater. 2020-Mar-29, 20:27

326  7 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell has sailed from Redwyne Straights
- for West Summer Sea with 2 Ships.
2020-Mar-29, 20:27
327  7 MARCH JanRenesse Martell has set sail from East Summer Sea. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 20:28: Martell is attacking Baratheon in Shipbreaker Bay from East Summer Sea with 3 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 20:28

328  7 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Baratheon with a fighting strength of 3. 2020-Mar-29, 20:29
329  7 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (3) Areo Hotah to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:29
330  7 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (3) Renly Baratheon to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:29
331  7 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell lost the battle and withdrew to East Summer Sea. 2020-Mar-29, 20:30

332  7 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of King's Landing. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 20:31: Baratheon is attacking Lannister in Crackclaw Point from King's Landing with 2 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 20:31

333  7 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Lannister with a fighting strength of 3. 2020-Mar-29, 20:32
334  7 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (2) The Hound to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:33
335  7 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (4) Stannis Baratheon to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:34
336  7 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister lost the battle and withdrew to Harrenhal.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen | 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 20:35

337  7 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of Moat Cailin
- to The Eyrie with 1 Knights and 1 Footmen and defeated the deployed neutral forces there.
2020-Mar-29, 20:35
338  7 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Harrenhal. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 20:36: Lannister is attacking Greyjoy in Riverrun from Harrenhal with 1 Knights and 1 Siege Engines
2020-Mar-29, 20:36

339  7 BATTLE Greyjoy chose (3) Victarion Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:36
340  7 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (3) Ser Gregor Clegane to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:36
341  7 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 20:37

342  7 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Pyke
- to Seagard with 1 Siege Engines. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 20:38: Greyjoy is attacking Lannister in Riverrun from Pyke with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 20:38

343  7 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Dagmer Cleftjaw to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:39
344  7 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (1) Tyrion Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:39
345  7 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister used Tyrion's special ability to cancel his opponent's house card and returned it to his hand! 2020-Mar-29, 20:39
346  7 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Asha Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:40
347  7 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister lost the battle and withdrew to Harrenhal.
- Following units were killed: 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 20:40

348  7 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell has sailed from the Port of Oldtown
- for Redwyne Straights with 1 Ships.
2020-Mar-29, 20:40
349  7 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of Kingswood
- to Crackclaw Point with 1 Knights.
- to King's Landing with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 20:41
350  7 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy has set sail from Ironman's Bay. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 20:42: Greyjoy is attacking Tyrell in Sunset Sea from Ironman's Bay with 2 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 20:42

351  7 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Tyrell with a fighting strength of 2. 2020-Mar-29, 20:44
352  7 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (2) Ser Garlan Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:44
353  7 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Dagmer Cleftjaw to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 20:46
354  7 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and withdrew to Ironman's Bay.
- Following units were killed: 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 20:46

355  7 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon removed his March Order in The Mountains of the Moon. 2020-Mar-29, 20:47

356  7 POWER JohnnySnowy Tyrell mustered new units:
- Tyrell resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Oldtown and mustered new units:
- 2 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 20:50
357  7 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- Tyrell(+3) - Greyjoy(+3) - Martell(+5)
2020-Mar-29, 20:50

358  8 WESTEROS Tyrell got new supplies (6). 2020-Mar-29, 20:50
359  8 WESTEROS Martell got new supplies (4). 2020-Mar-29, 20:50
360  8 WESTEROS Baratheon got new supplies (3). 2020-Mar-29, 20:50
361  8 WESTEROS Stark got new supplies (3). 2020-Mar-29, 20:50
362  8 WESTEROS Lannister got new supplies (2). 2020-Mar-29, 20:50
363  8 WESTEROS Greyjoy got new supplies (4). 2020-Mar-29, 20:50
364  8 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [1] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:51
365  8 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [1] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:51
366  8 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [4] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:51
367  8 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:51
368  8 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [2] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:52
369  8 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:52
370  8 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved tied bids. New order of the Iron Throne track:
- [2] Baratheon | [6] Lannister | [5] Stark | [1] Tyrell | [3] Greyjoy | [4] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 20:53
371  8 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister exerted a power of [1] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:53
372  8 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:53
373  8 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [3] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:53
374  8 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:53
375  8 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [8] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:54
376  8 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [6] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:55
377  8 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved tied bids. New order of the Fiefdoms track:
- [6] Baratheon | [4] Lannister | [5] Stark | [3] Tyrell | [2] Greyjoy | [1] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 20:56
378  8 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark exerted a power of [0] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:57
379  8 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [7] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:57
380  8 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [5] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:57
381  8 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [5] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:57
382  8 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister exerted a power of [5] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:57
383  8 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [8] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 20:58
384  8 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved tied bids. New order of the King's Court track:
- [3] Baratheon | [4] Lannister | [6] Stark | [2] Tyrell | [1] Greyjoy | [5] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 21:00
385  8 WESTEROS JanRenesse 'Put To the Sword' - The holder of the Valyrian Steel Blade chose the following event: 'Rains of Autumn (W)' 2020-Mar-29, 21:01

386  8 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:08
387  8 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:02
388  8 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:07
389  8 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:02
390  8 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:03
391  8 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:08

392  8 RAVEN Vasiliy Greyjoy replaced the Support Order in Port of Pyke by a Consolidate Power Order. 2020-Mar-29, 21:09

393  8 RAID Unusable Raid Order has been removed from East Summer Sea. 2020-Mar-29, 21:09
394  8 RAID JohnnySnowy Tyrell removed his Raid Order in The Reach. 2020-Mar-29, 21:10
395  8 RAID Vasiliy Greyjoy raided the Consolidate Power(*) Order in Lannisport. 2020-Mar-29, 21:10
396  8 RAID JohnnySnowy Tyrell raided the Consolidate Power Order in Prince's Pass. 2020-Mar-29, 21:12

397  8 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell has sailed from West Summer Sea
- for Sunset Sea with 2 Ships.
- for Redwyne Straights with 1 Ships.
2020-Mar-29, 21:13
398  8 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of Crackclaw Point -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 21:14: Baratheon is attacking Lannister in Harrenhal from Crackclaw Point with 3 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 21:14

399  8 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell supports Lannister with a fighting strength of 4. 2020-Mar-29, 21:15
400  8 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (0) Patchface to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:15
401  8 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (1) Ser Kevan Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:16
402  8 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon lost the battle and withdrew to Crackclaw Point. 2020-Mar-29, 21:16
403  8 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon resolved (0) Patchface's special ability.
- Baratheon discarded the house card (0) Cersei Lannister.
2020-Mar-29, 21:16

404  8 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy has set sail from The Golden Sound. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 21:18: Greyjoy is attacking Tyrell in Sunset Sea from The Golden Sound with 2 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 21:18

405  8 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Greyjoy with a fighting strength of 2. 2020-Mar-29, 21:19
406  8 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (4) Mace Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:19
407  8 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (2) Balon Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:20
408  8 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and withdrew to West Summer Sea. 2020-Mar-29, 21:20

409  8 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of The Boneway. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 21:21: Martell is attacking Tyrell in Dornish Marches from The Boneway with 2 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 21:21

410  8 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (0) Doran Martell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:21
411  8 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (3) Ser Loras Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:21
412  8 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell used Doran's special ability to move House Tyrell to the bottom of the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 21:22
413  8 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and withdrew to Three Towers. 2020-Mar-29, 21:23

414  8 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark has set sail from The Narrow Sea. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 21:24: Stark is attacking Baratheon in Shipbreaker Bay from The Narrow Sea with 2 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 21:24

415  8 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (4) Eddard Stark to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:24
416  8 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (1) Salladhor Saan to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:25
417  8 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark lost the battle and withdrew to The Narrow Sea. 2020-Mar-29, 21:27

418  8 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Oldtown
- to Searoad Marches with 1 Knights. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 21:27: Tyrell is attacking Martell in Starfall from Oldtown with 1 Footmen
2020-Mar-29, 21:27

419  8 BATTLE Tyrell chose (0) Queen of Thorns to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:27
420  8 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (2) Darkstar to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:28
421  8 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved (0) Queen of Thorns's special ability.
- the Support Order in Yronwood has been removed.
2020-Mar-29, 21:28
422  8 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 21:28

423  8 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon removed his March(-1) Order in Dragonstone. 2020-Mar-29, 21:28
424  8 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Flint's Finger
- to Pyke with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 21:31
425  8 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Storms End
- to Kingswood with 1 Siege Engines.
2020-Mar-29, 21:32
426  8 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of The Eyrie. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 21:34: Stark is attacking Baratheon in Crackclaw Point from The Eyrie with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 21:34

427  8 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell supports Stark with a fighting strength of 4. 2020-Mar-29, 21:36
428  8 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (1) Melisandre to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:36
429  8 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (0) Catelyn Stark to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:36
430  8 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 3 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 21:37

431  8 POWER JohnnySnowy Tyrell mustered new units:
- Tyrell resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Highgarden and mustered new units:
- 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 21:39
432  8 POWER Vasiliy Greyjoy mustered new units:
- Greyjoy resolved his special Consolidate Power Order token in Seagard and mustered new units:
- 2 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 21:40
433  8 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- Lannister(+1) - Tyrell(+2) - Greyjoy(+3) - Martell(+2)
2020-Mar-29, 21:40

434  9 WESTEROS 'Winter is Coming' - New events came up. Now: 'Supply' 2020-Mar-29, 21:40
435  9 WESTEROS Tyrell got new supplies (6). 2020-Mar-29, 21:40
436  9 WESTEROS Baratheon got new supplies (2). 2020-Mar-29, 21:40
437  9 WESTEROS Greyjoy got new supplies (4). 2020-Mar-29, 21:40
438  9 WESTEROS Martell got new supplies (5). 2020-Mar-29, 21:40
439  9 WESTEROS Stark got new supplies (3). 2020-Mar-29, 21:40
440  9 WESTEROS Lannister got new supplies (2). 2020-Mar-29, 21:40
441  9 WESTEROS Last Days of Summer (W) 2020-Mar-29, 21:40
442  9 WESTEROS Feast for Crows (W) 2020-Mar-29, 21:40

443  9 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:41
444  9 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:42
445  9 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:43
446  9 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:44
447  9 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:45
448  9 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 21:45

449  9 RAVEN Vasiliy Greyjoy did not use the messenger raven. 2020-Mar-29, 21:46

450  9 RAID JohnnySnowy Tyrell raided the Raid Order in Prince's Pass. 2020-Mar-29, 21:50
451  9 RAID Lyanna Stark Baratheon raided the Defense(+1) Order in The Twins. 2020-Mar-29, 21:51
452  9 RAID Vasiliy Greyjoy raided the Support(+1) Order in Lannisport. 2020-Mar-29, 21:51
453  9 RAID JanRenesse Martell raided the Raid Order in West Summer Sea. 2020-Mar-29, 21:53

454  9 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Blackwater
- to Stoney Sept with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 21:54
455  9 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon marched out of Dragonstone. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 21:55: Baratheon is attacking Stark in Crackclaw Point from Dragonstone with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 21:55

456  9 BATTLE Baratheon chose (2) Brienne of Tarth to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:55
457  9 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (1) Ser Rodrick Cassel to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:56
458  9 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon lost the battle and withdrew to Dragonstone. 2020-Mar-29, 21:57

459  9 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy has set sail from Sunset Sea. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 21:57: Greyjoy is attacking Stark in Bay of Ice from Sunset Sea with 1 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 21:57

460  9 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (0) Aeron Damphair to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:57
461  9 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (2) Greatjon Umber to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:58
462  9 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy used Aeron's special ability to choose another house card. Greyjoy chose (4) Euron Crow's Eye to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 21:58
463  9 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark lost the battle and withdrew to Port of Winterfell.
- Following units were killed: 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 21:58

464  9 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Dornish Marches. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 22:00: Martell is attacking Tyrell in Oldtown from Dornish Marches with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 22:00

465  9 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (4) The Red Viper to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:00
466  9 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (1) Margaery Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:01
467  9 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 22:01

468  9 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of The Eyrie
- to Moat Cailin with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 22:03
469  9 MARCH h3n10 Lannister marched out of Harrenhal -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 22:04: Lannister is attacking Greyjoy in Riverrun from Harrenhal with 2 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 22:04

470  9 BATTLE Greyjoy chose (2) Theon Grejoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:04
471  9 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (4) Tywin Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:04
472  9 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister lost the battle and withdrew to Harrenhal.
- Following units were killed: 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 22:04

473  9 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Highgarden. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 22:05: Tyrell is attacking Martell in Oldtown from Highgarden with 1 Siege Engines
2020-Mar-29, 22:05

474  9 BATTLE Martell chose (1) Arianne Martell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:05
475  9 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (2) Randyll Tarly to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:05
476  9 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 22:05

477  9 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon has set sail from Shipbreaker Bay. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 22:06: Baratheon is attacking Stark in The Narrow Sea from Shipbreaker Bay with 1 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 22:06

478  9 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (4) Stannis Baratheon to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:07
479  9 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (3) Robb Stark to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:07
480  9 BATTLE kevinwariacik Baratheon lost the battle and was forced to withdraw to Shipbreaker Bay. 2020-Mar-29, 22:08

481  9 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Pyke
- to Winterfell with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 22:09
482  9 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of Crackclaw Point -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 22:09: Stark is attacking Lannister in Harrenhal from Crackclaw Point with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 22:09

483  9 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (1) Ser Kevan Lannister to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:10
484  9 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (2) Roose Bolton to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:10
485  9 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 22:11

486  9 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Seagard. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 22:13: Greyjoy is attacking Stark in Moat Cailin from Seagard with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 22:13

487  9 BATTLE Stark chose (1) The Blackfish to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:13
488  9 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (3) Victarion Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:14
489  9 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark lost the battle and withdrew to White Harbor. 2020-Mar-29, 22:14

490  9 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- no house could consolidate any power.
2020-Mar-29, 22:14

491  10 WESTEROS 'Winter is Coming' - New events came up. Now: 'Mustering' 2020-Mar-29, 22:14
492  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 1 Upgrades to a Siege Engine |
2020-Mar-29, 22:20
493  10 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon mustered new units:
- 2 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 22:21
494  10 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy mustered new units:
- 2 Footmen | 2 Knights | 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 22:25
495  10 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell mustered new units:
- 1 Footmen | 1 Upgrades to a Knight | 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 22:27
496  10 WESTEROS kevinwariacik Stark mustered new units:
- 4 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 22:29
497  10 WESTEROS h3n10 Lannister mustered new units:
- 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 22:29
498  10 WESTEROS 'Winter is Coming' - New events came up. Now: 'Clash of Kings' 2020-Mar-29, 22:29
499  10 WESTEROS Lannister exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:29
500  10 WESTEROS Stark exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:29
501  10 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:29
502  10 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [1] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:30
503  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [2] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:30
504  10 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [0] for the Iron Throne track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:31
505  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved tied bids. New order of the Iron Throne track:
- [4] Baratheon | [3] Lannister | [5] Stark | [1] Tyrell | [2] Greyjoy | [6] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 22:32
506  10 WESTEROS Lannister exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:32
507  10 WESTEROS Stark exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:32
508  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [2] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:32
509  10 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:32
510  10 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [0] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:32
511  10 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [1] for the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:32
512  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved tied bids. New order of the Fiefdoms track:
- [4] Baratheon | [3] Lannister | [5] Stark | [1] Tyrell | [6] Greyjoy | [2] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 22:33
513  10 WESTEROS Lannister exerted a power of [0] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:33
514  10 WESTEROS Stark exerted a power of [0] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:33
515  10 WESTEROS JanRenesse Martell exerted a power of [1] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:33
516  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell exerted a power of [1] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:33
517  10 WESTEROS Vasiliy Greyjoy exerted a power of [0] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:34
518  10 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark Baratheon exerted a power of [1] for the King's Court track. 2020-Mar-29, 22:34
519  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Tyrell resolved tied bids. New order of the King's Court track:
- [2] Baratheon | [5] Lannister | [4] Stark | [1] Tyrell | [6] Greyjoy | [3] Martell |
2020-Mar-29, 22:34
520  10 WESTEROS Wildlings Attack: Baratheon deployed a power of [0] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 22:34
521  10 WESTEROS Wildlings Attack: Lannister deployed a power of [0] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 22:34
522  10 WESTEROS Wildlings Attack: Stark deployed a power of [0] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 22:34
523  10 WESTEROS Wildlings Attack: Martell deployed a power of [0] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 22:34
524  10 WESTEROS Vasiliy Wildlings Attack: Greyjoy deployed a power of [1] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 22:35
525  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Wildlings Attack: Tyrell deployed a power of [0] against the wildlings. 2020-Mar-29, 22:35
526  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy Wildlings Attack: Tyrell decided on tied bids:
- Martell has to remove 4 instead of 2 mustering points.
2020-Mar-29, 22:35
527  10 WESTEROS JohnnySnowy The Wildlings overwhelmed Tyrell's troops.
- Following units were killed: 2 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 22:35
528  10 WESTEROS Vasiliy The Wildlings overwhelmed Greyjoy's troops.
- Following units were killed: 2 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 22:35
529  10 WESTEROS h3n10 The Wildlings overwhelmed Lannister's troops.
- Following units were killed: 1 Knights |
2020-Mar-29, 22:36
530  10 WESTEROS Lyanna Stark The Wildlings overwhelmed Baratheon's troops.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen | 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 22:37
531  10 WESTEROS kevinwariacik The Wildlings overwhelmed Stark's troops.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen | 1 Ships |
2020-Mar-29, 22:38
532  10 WESTEROS JanRenesse The Wildlings overwhelmed Martell's troops.
- Following units were killed: 1 Knights | 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 22:39

533  10 PLANNING h3n10 Lannister set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 22:40
534  10 PLANNING Vasiliy Greyjoy set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 22:40
535  10 PLANNING JohnnySnowy Tyrell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 22:41
536  10 PLANNING kevinwariacik Stark set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 22:41
537  10 PLANNING JanRenesse Martell set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 22:42
538  10 PLANNING Lyanna Stark Baratheon set his orders. 2020-Mar-29, 22:45

539  10 RAVEN JohnnySnowy Tyrell replaced the Raid Order in West Summer Sea by a Support Order. 2020-Mar-29, 22:46

540  10 RAID Unusable Raid Order has been removed from The Boneway. 2020-Mar-29, 22:46
541  10 RAID Vasiliy Greyjoy raided the Support Order in Lannisport. 2020-Mar-29, 22:46
542  10 RAID Unusable Raid Order has been removed from Bay of Ice. 2020-Mar-29, 22:46

543  10 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Stoney Sept. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 22:46: Tyrell is attacking Greyjoy in Riverrun from Stoney Sept with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 22:46

544  10 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Tyrell with a fighting strength of 4. 2020-Mar-29, 22:46
545  10 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (2) Ser Garlan Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:47
546  10 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Dagmer Cleftjaw to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 22:50
547  10 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy lost the battle and withdrew to Seagard.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 22:51

548  10 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Seagard
- to Winterfell with 1 Siege Engines.
- to Moat Cailin with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 22:54
549  10 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon removed his March(+1) Order in King's Landing. 2020-Mar-29, 22:59
550  10 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of Crackclaw Point. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 23:00: Stark is attacking Greyjoy in Moat Cailin from Crackclaw Point with 1 Footmen
2020-Mar-29, 23:00

551  10 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark chose (3) Robb Stark to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:01
552  10 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (4) Euron Crow's Eye to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:02
553  10 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen |
2020-Mar-29, 23:02

554  10 MARCH JanRenesse Martell has set sail from East Summer Sea. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 23:03: Martell is attacking Baratheon in Shipbreaker Bay from East Summer Sea with 2 Ships
2020-Mar-29, 23:03

555  10 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Martell with a fighting strength of 2. 2020-Mar-29, 23:03
556  10 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (3) Areo Hotah to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:04
557  10 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon chose (3) Renly Baratheon to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:07
558  10 BATTLE Lyanna Stark Baratheon lost the battle and withdrew to Blackwater Bay. 2020-Mar-29, 23:12

559  10 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Searoad Marches
- to Highgarden with 1 Knights.
- to Oldtown with 1 Knights. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 23:14: Tyrell is attacking Lannister in Lannisport from Searoad Marches with 1 Knights
2020-Mar-29, 23:14

560  10 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (4) Mace Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:14
561  10 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister chose (2) The Hound to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:15
562  10 BATTLE h3n10 Lannister lost the battle and withdrew to Stoney Sept.
- Following units were killed: 1 Ships | 1 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 23:15

563  10 MARCH Vasiliy Greyjoy marched out of Winterfell. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 23:17: Greyjoy is attacking Tyrell in Riverrun from Winterfell with 1 Knights and 2 Siege Engines
2020-Mar-29, 23:17

564  10 BATTLE kevinwariacik Stark supports Greyjoy with a fighting strength of 4. 2020-Mar-29, 23:18
565  10 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (1) Alester Florent to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:19
566  10 BATTLE Vasiliy Greyjoy chose (1) Asha Greyjoy to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:19
567  10 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and withdrew to Lannisport. 2020-Mar-29, 23:20

568  10 MARCH Lyanna Stark Baratheon removed his March Order in Dragonstone. 2020-Mar-29, 23:22
569  10 MARCH kevinwariacik Stark marched out of The Eyrie
- to Crackclaw Point with 1 Footmen.
2020-Mar-29, 23:22
570  10 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Storms End
- to Sunspear with 1 Knights.
2020-Mar-29, 23:23
571  10 MARCH JohnnySnowy Tyrell marched out of Highgarden. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 23:24: Tyrell is attacking Martell in Starfall from Highgarden with 1 Knights and 2 Siege Engines
2020-Mar-29, 23:24

572  10 BATTLE Tyrell chose (3) Ser Loras Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:24
573  10 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (0) Doran Martell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:24
574  10 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell used Doran's special ability to move House Tyrell to the bottom of the Fiefdoms track. 2020-Mar-29, 23:24
575  10 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell lost the battle and withdrew to Prince's Pass. 2020-Mar-29, 23:25

576  10 MARCH JanRenesse Martell marched out of Sunspear. -> Battle!
[Attack] 2020/03/29, 23:26: Martell is attacking Tyrell in Starfall from Sunspear with 1 Footmen, 1 Knights and 1 Siege Engines
2020-Mar-29, 23:26

577  10 BATTLE JanRenesse Martell chose (4) The Red Viper to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:26
578  10 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell chose (4) Mace Tyrell to lead his forces. 2020-Mar-29, 23:26
579  10 BATTLE JohnnySnowy Tyrell lost the battle and was not able to withdraw his units.
- Following units were killed: 1 Footmen | 1 Knights | 2 Siege Engines |
2020-Mar-29, 23:26

580  10 POWER Houses consolidate new power:
- Greyjoy(+3)
2020-Mar-29, 23:26

581  10 GAME END Stark wins this game of thrones! 2020-Mar-29, 23:26

Game Setting

2nd Edition Garrisons YES
2nd Edition Greyjoy Start Pos. YES
2nd Edition House Card Return YES
2nd Edition House Cards YES
2nd Edition Knights Limit YES
2nd Edition Lannister Ship +1 YES
2nd Edition Map YES
2nd Edition Raid/CP Orders YES
2nd Edition SE Limit YES
2nd Edition Tides Of Battle NO
2nd Edition Tiebreaker NO
2nd Edition Tiebreaker 2019 YES
2nd Edition Westeros Cards YES
2nd Edition Wildling Cards NO
2nd Edition Wildlings Strength YES
2nd Edition Win Condition YES

ACoK Battle Variant NO
ACoK Kings Court NO
ACoK Ports YES
ACoK Siege Engines YES
ACoK Westeros Phase NO


Created 2024-Apr-26 01:46:40 UTC+1